Guest Expert Post: Storytime at Home: Top 10 Read Aloud Strategies for Parents of Young Children
Teaching Tips for Consonant Digraphs
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Teaching Tips for Consonant Digraphs
Teaching Tips for Consonant Digraphs
Teaching Tips for Struggling Students
Teaching Tips for Struggling Students
What Makes an App Truly Educational? Four Things to Check Out
Educational App Store Certified
Spreading the Word About See Words
Renee Seward, See Word Design Founder
How To Make The Most Of Screen Time
If you have a young kid, this question has probably crossed your mind, “Is screen time good or bad?” Luckily, PBS has provided some great guidelines on fostering quality screen time with your kids.
Wrapping Up Reading for 2019
Happy 2020! We want to start off the New Year by remembering some wonderful picture books that will get your kids excited for literacy.
Gift Ideas for the Learners in Your Life
As the holidays approach, our team is on the lookout for great gift ideas for the young learners in your life. See Words believes education should be engaging to encourage reading of all skill levels. The holidays are a great time to spark that joy of learning. See some gift ideas, courtesy of Getting Smart.
How to Approach Technology Integration in Classrooms
Ed Tech is the hot topic of many educational discussions, but few reach out to credible sources like Education Week. Their new series involves talking with experts on the methods of implementing technology into teaching through a Q&A style discussion.
The Demand of Early Education is at an All-Time High
Through recent studies, it has become clear that the expectation placed on our educational system and children has dramatically increased. This increased focus on academics has led The New York Times to turn to early education and child development researchers to find out the cause.
Low Reading Proficiency on Nation’s Report Card
Since the Nation’s Report Card testing began back in 1992, reading scores have shown little improvement. This widespread decline in reading performance has become concerning for educators across all states. With lower performance students showing more vulnerability to the statistic, the achievement gap continues to widen.
The Root Cause of the Reading Epidemic
There are many students who lack the rudimentary reading skills essential for academic or occupational success. Paula Tallal, Ph.D., a co-founder of Scientific Learning Corporation, makers of the neuroscience-based Fast ForWord® program, dives into the foundations of reading failure and the risk factors leading to skill deficits.
Dyslexia in the Classroom
General education teachers must understand what dyslexia is and what alternate means work best for those with the condition in order to have a successful, inclusive classroom.
10 Inspiring Organizations That Promote Literacy and Education
See Word Reading believes in the importance of a quality education and education equality . To celebrate this, we have pulled together a list of 10 organizations doing wonderful work in the educational community.
Have Fun with Homework!
We noticed homework time can sometimes be a boring or painful process, so our team has narrowed in on how to make the task more fun and engaging for everyone involved.
Teaching Tips for Struggling Students
As technology increases and teachers take on a more personalized learning approach, it’s important to involve struggling students in the conversation. Our team is looking to Nickola Wolf Nelson for successful techniques when addressing children’s literacy challenges in today’s world.
See What Surprised Bill and Melinda Gates
Bill and Melinda Gates recently took time to reflect on the previous year in their 2019 Annual Letter. In their reflection, the couple discussed what surprised and inspired them to take action for the future. One of the surprises they shared was the state of textbooks – with the fate of these educational tools to be obsolete.
Literacy Leaders
This series is focused on recognizing and celebrating educators for all of their hard work. See Words helps educators provide engaging lessons to improve literacy skills. We also want to showcase the individuals who work on improving those literacy skills daily. These educators will be featured throughout the series, sharing a few key aspects of their career.
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